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REST API v1.0 - Parameter: first

REST API is the kernel of all our libraries. If you are using a library, you don't need to add url queries like this examples, values are enough.

first is an optional but useful parameter in advanced scenarios. you need to set first parameter in two cases:

  1. Create a task on absolute date.
  2. Create a task on cycles with a beginning date.

Legal Values

first is a date in ISO 8601* format. All famous web development languages have functions to get date in ISO 8601 format. the query should be URL encoded. If you are using one of our libraries, ignore encoding.

  1. &first=2013-08-22T20%3A31%3A46Z: equals 2013-08-22T20:31:46Z
  2. &first=2015-01-01T00%3A00%3A01Z: equals 2015-01-01T00:00:01Z first second of 2015 in UTC

ISO 8601 Resource:


Create a task on absolute date:


Create a task on cycles with a beginning date:
