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REST API v1.0 - Function: Delete, Pause, Resume

REST API is the kernel of all our libraries.

In this version, there are 4 functions:

  • Create
  • Delete: Delete task(s) and all their information.
  • Pause: Pause task(s) and cancel future calls.
  • Resume: Resume paused task(s) to the normal cycles.
  • ipVerify: Check if the request is from ATrigger servers.

Here we want to explain last 3 functions, because you can call them in a similar way.


All this three functions only accept tags_* as a query(API Key/Secret is required, Of course). You can add multiple tags, or at least you need to enter 1 tag to make it clear what you want to Delete, Pause or Resume.

Adding more tags is equal to AND operator. So If you define two or more tags on a query, It will only do action on which tasks that they have all this tags together.

Example: [api]/v1/tasks/delete?key=APIKEY&secret=APISECRET&tag_type=test This will delete all our test tasks which onestagged type=test

Example: [api]/v1/tasks/delete?key=APIKEY&secret=APISECRET&tag_type=test&tag_a=b This will delete all our test tasks which ones have this two tags type=test AND a=b


This will cause permanent remove of your chosen tasks by tag. All history, future calls and task details will be removed.
    key=APIKEY             //required
    &secret=APISECRET      //required
    &tag_key1=value2       //required
    &tag_key2=value2       //optional
    &tag_*=*               //optional

Sample Output / Result:

{ "type": "OK", "message": "18 tasks deleted." }

Example Request:


Pause will suspend selected tasks. They will be not called again if you don't Resume them.
    key=APIKEY             //required
    &secret=APISECRET      //required
    &tag_key1=value2       //required
    &tag_key2=value2       //optional
    &tag_*=*               //optional

Sample Output / Result:

{ "type": "OK", "message": "1 tasks paused." }

Example Request:


Resume will restore selected paused tasks.
    key=APIKEY             //required
    &secret=APISECRET      //required
    &tag_key1=value2       //required
    &tag_key2=value2       //optional
    &tag_*=*               //optional

By resuming a task, It will set the next call at the nearest possible time based on timeSlice.
For example look at this scenario:

  1. 1/1/2019: Create Task with timeSlice=1month, so the next call should be: 2/1/2019
  2. 1/15/2019: Pause Task
  3. 1/21/2019: Resume Task
  • NEXT CALL WILL BE: 2/1/2019 (not changed)
  1. 1/22/2019: Pause Task
  2. 2/2/2019: Resume Task
  • NEXT CALL WILL BE: 3/1/2019 (task was paused at 2/1/2019, so this call is ignored)

Sample Output / Result:

{ "type": "OK", "message": "1 tasks resumed." }

Example Request:


All previous functions was for controlling tasks. but ipVerify will be used to verify URL calls when you want to make sure the request is made from ATrigger servers, using the request IP and ipVerify function:
    key=APIKEY             //required
    &secret=APISECRET      //required
    &ip=REQUESTIP          //required

Sample Output / Result:

{ "type": "OK", "message": "VALID." }

Example Request: